BNCHA members can report repairs during working hours (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm and Tuesday 9.00am to 1.00pm) to Pinnacle who are based in our offices and who we pay to manage our repairs. You can report repairs to them in person, by email (at, by telephone (on 0333 600 2500), or by letter (to BNCHA, 131 Loughborough Road, Leicester LE4 5LQ.
Emergency repairs
If you have an emergency outside of working hours, please ring the same repairs phone number (0333 600 2500)
If you smell gas, turn off the gas at the mains supply and telephone Cadent immediately on 0800 111999 and inform Pinnacle as soon as possible afterwards.
If you have an electricity or water emergency, please turn off your electricity or water service.
When a contractor is called out on an emergency, they charge BNCHA more for the repair. So if you call someone out for an emergency repair and it isn’t an emergency, you will be charged for it. Emergency, urgent and routine repairs are defined in our Repairs Policy which is available here.
Want to apply?
Our tenants either apply directly to us for housing, or are referred to us by other organisations such as Leicester City Council or other housing associations. If you would like to apply for a home, please phone the Belgrave office, send us an email or apply online.