Our Community

Looking for a home?

We offer a wide choice of properties from bedsits and flats, to four and five bedroom properties.


If you need to make an application for Housing please contact our housing team on 0333 600 2500  for further information


Many benefit from substantial improvements – UPVC windows to keep energy bills low, electric showers, kitchen upgrades and security lights.  When our homes are first let, they should be let in accordance with our “lettable standard” available here.

We also provide sheltered housing at our Loughborough Cottages scheme for those who need assistance in their homes. These properties are linked to a 24-hour control centre service which is available to assist at any time.

Because our properties are in high demand we usually only have a handful available at any one time.  If you are interested in becoming a tenant member, please contact us and we will do our best to help.

Our Allocations Policy is available here

Want to apply?

Our tenants either apply directly to us for housing, or are referred to us by other organisations such as Leicester City Council or other housing associations. If you would like to apply for a home, please phone the Belgrave office, send us an email or apply online.