Our services
Online services

Updates are currently being made to the online facilities following the change in management services.
To make a payment you can either phone the automated payment line provided by Allpay on 0844 557 8321 or pay online at www.allpayments.net.
To make a payment using either of these methods you will need the 19 digit number on the front of your existing rent payment card.
Services to view your rent balance and report a repair online are currently unavailable but these services will be up and running again soon. If you need help with any tenancy issues please contact Pinnacle’s housing management team on 0333 600 2500 or email hello@belgravecoop.org.uk
To find your local Job Centre please Click Here.
Want to apply?
Our tenants either apply directly to us for housing, or are referred to us by other organisations such as Leicester City Council or other housing associations. If you would like to apply for a home, please phone the Belgrave office, send us an email or apply online.